Wednesday, November 9, 2016

ThermiVa® vs. FemiLift®: What Treatment is Right for You?

Los Angeles Non-Surgical Vaginal TreatmentThe number of vaginal rejuvenation treatments has grown dramatically in the U.S. in just the past few years, particularly as more and more women are looking for solutions to the most common feminine health concerns. Fortunately, the treatments for such common issues as female incontinence, vaginal laxity, or pelvic prolapse have become so technologically advanced that women can enjoy dramatic improvements without the need for surgery.

Today, the most innovative treatments available to help women overcome uncomfortable, embarrassing, and even painful urological and gynecological issues are ThermiVa and FemiLift. Both of these feminine rejuvenation devices are non-surgical, non-invasive, and do not require anesthesia in order to help women reclaim their vaginal health and confidence. To learn the difference between ThermiVa and FemiLift, and determine which vaginal rejuvenation treatment is best suited to your needs, please continue reading and schedule a consultation at the Institute for Incontinence and Vaginal Reconstruction in Beverly Hills.

Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation treatments, such as ThermiVa and FemiLift, have grown in popularity among women of all ages due to the many aesthetic and medical benefits they can provide. Over time, many women experience changes in their vaginal structures and tissues, whether due to childbirth, hormones, or other life events.  Radiofrequency-based ThermiVa and CO2 laser-based FemiLift are the top non-surgical treatment options available for the following symptoms:

  • Sagging, stretched, or loose skin
  • Stress urinary incontinence (urine leaks when laughing, sneezing, or other activities)
  • Pain or discomfort during sex
  • Vaginal dryness or looseness
  • Loss of sensation
  • Frequent urinary tract infections
  • Pelvic organ prolapse, such as cystocele, rectocele, or procidentia

While minor, it is crucial to learn the differences between ThermiVa and FemiLift in order to have the most comfortable experience and enjoy the best possible results.

What is ThermiVa®?

ThermiVa treatments use radiofrequency energy waves to gently heat the tissue and muscles of the vagina as well as the inner and outer labia. The treatment is administered with a smooth S-shaped device that can be comfortably positioned to target internal and external tissues, resulting in tighter, firmer skin and muscles. The ThermiVa energy even penetrates to the deeper layers of tissue to stimulate collagen production, increase blood vessel development, and enhance nerve function.

The ThermiVa procedure takes only 30 to 45 minutes and can provide the following benefits after just one session:

  • Tighter, slimmer inner and outer labia
  • Improved nerve sensitivity
  • Tighter vaginal canal
  • Improved natural lubrication
  • Reduced urinary leakage or stress incontinence
  • Better sexual function and experience

For complete results, it is recommended that patients undergo a series of three to four ThermiVa sessions over a period of months. Many women experience the benefits of ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation for an average of nine months, and up to two years in some cases. However, most patients may need to undergo follow-up sessions each year to maintain the amazing results of ThermiVa in the long term.

Best of all, there is absolutely no downtime after a ThermiVa session in Los Angeles, allowing women to return to their everyday activities, and even safely enjoy sex.

What is Femilift®?

FemiLift is a laser treatment that utilizes CO2 laser technology to deliver similar thermal effects as ThermiVa, effectively tightening the tissues and structures of the vagina. The FemiLift procedure is administered with a thin wand that rotates 360 degrees to accurately and fully treat the vaginal canal. However, it is not designed to treat the labia as well as ThermiVa can. Each FemiLift session typically takes no more than 30 minutes and can provide the following benefits:

  • Improved vaginal lubrication
  • Tighter, firmer internal tissues
  • Greater nerve sensitivity
  • Better bladder control
  • Improved sexual function and sensations
  • Reduced pain during intercourse

Unlike facial laser treatments, FemiLift delivers less fractional laser energy in order to prevent peeling or other painful effects. It is not uncommon for patients to experience a few days of discomfort, spotting or vaginal discharge as the surface layers of tissue treated by the FemiLift device slough away to reveal fresh, renewed tissue. Ultimately, the Femilift side effects are minor.

Which Vaginal Treatment Should You Choose?

It is important to note that both ThermiVa and FemiLift are effective, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures that help reverse the effects of age, childbirth, pregnancy, and hormones on a woman’s body. The results can be truly life-changing. With vaginal rejuvenation, women can finally reclaim confidence, comfort, and control.

When considering if ThermiVa or FemiLift is best for you, contact the skilled and compassionate urologists at the Institute for Incontinence and Vaginal Reconstruction to make an informed decision.

Our Los Angeles doctors have extensive experience and insight about both ThermiVa and FemiLift devices and can help you not only choose which vaginal rejuvenation treatment is ideal for your needs and goals, but also ensure that you receive the best care and treatment possible.

Learn more about traditional vaginal rejuvenation at

In a nutshell: ThermiVa® vs. FemiLift®

  • Both ThermiVa and Femilift use energy to gently affect the tissues thermally and promote tightening, restructuring, and rejuvenation
  • Both treatments act fast and result in very noticeably improved sexual and urinary function as a result of vaginal tightening, improved nerve sensitivity, better lubrication, and tissue reconfiguration
  • ThermiVa can be applied to outer genitalia (labia) as well as inside of the vagina but FemiLift is designed for internal use only. ThermiVa promotes collagen and tissue regeneration by utilizing radiofrequency energy, while FemiLift uses low dose CO2 laser energy

Schedule Your Feminine Rejuvenation Appointment in LA

At the Institute for Incontinence and Vaginal Reconstruction, our urology specialists are dedicated to providing the thorough care and expert treatment our patients deserve to feel comfortable in their bodies at any age. Our team has extensive experience and training with the most state-of-the-art treatments available in the U.S. To learn more about ThermiVa and FemiLift, and how these revolutionary devices can restore your natural lubrication, sexual satisfactions, and feminine health, please do not hesitate to schedule a vaginal rejuvenation consultation online or call our Beverly Hills office today.

Next, read The Best Solutions for Female Incontinence

The post ThermiVa® vs. FemiLift®: What Treatment is Right for You? appeared first on IncontinenceDr.

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